a sweet gift

Well before Christmas (August, actually), I had an adorably thoughtful man contact me about creating a gift for his girlfriend: a custom print of a meaningful quote from the Office. He told me about how they watched the series finale together, and he noticed that this scene seemed to touch a nerve for her. After a brief consultation in which we established that he was "clueless" (his word) about design preferences besides "pretty," we came up with an idea that she'd love.

With each step of the process, I loved having that little burst of joy accompanying the thought of how cute some humans are. It definitely got me started wishing for the holidays sooner this year!

capturing holiday traffic

In December I helped out Stand Up Comedy, a super cool boutique downtown. They're in the process of getting their outdoor sign engraved above the doorway, but they also needed something for the inner display window. Their style preferences tended toward a classic Palatine typeface, which was a fun way to change up my writing.

It was a fast turnaround challenge (under 48 hours!), but we made it happen--they were able to attract some last-minute shoppers searching for gifts. Pop into their shop next time you're wandering along Broadway!

project: wine labels

I'm working on some wine labels for a private cellar. Here's a peek into my first round of samples: